Thursday, January 14, 2010


Bacteria Facts
Bacteria is a large group of microorganisms. Bacteria can live as long as it has a HOST! Some will even grow acidic hot springs and radioactive waste. There are about 5 nonillion bacteria on the earth. That makes up most of the biomass on earth. The study of bacteria is bacteriology. Bacteria was first observed by Antanie Van Leeurennoek.

Helpful Bacteria
There are bacteria that live in the intestines that help us digest and destroy harmful organisms. Some bacteria can help make cheese and yogurt. We host 2-5 pounds of bacteria in our life.

Harmful Bacteria
Harmful bacteria can enter the body by openings like the mouth and nose or breaks in the skin. Some bacteria living in the throat can reproduce faster than the body can fight it off, giving you a sore throat.

Protecting Against Harmful Bacteria
You can protect yourself from most bacteria on your hands by washing them.

Schlessinger, David. "Bacteria." The World Book Encyclopedia. 1986

Wikipedia contributors. "Bacteria." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 23 Jan. 2010. Web. 24 Jan. 2010.